Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Philatelic Things and the Taj

March 3, 2014
Today we headed for Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal. But before we left Delhi, I had insisted on a visit to the National Philatelic Museum. For those that don't know there was a period during my ill-spent youth when I collected stamps. Collecting Canadian stamps was too expensive so I moved to Indian stamps. One of the moments I was proud of was when I displayed a selection of Indian stamps issued by various Indian states at a stamp exhibition in Greenwood, NS. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out that the National Philatelic Museum of India does not display any stamps prior to independence in 1947. The lady at the desk at least recognized the name of Jal Cooper, a prominent Indian Philatelist, with whom I had corresponded in the early 1970s. She indicated that there had even been a stamp issued in his honour, but Joy and I could not find it. This means that I will have to visit the museum in Jaipur.
After the usual wild ride in Indian traffic we arrived in Agra and proceeded directly to a roof-top restaurant looking at the Taj Mahal just before darkness fell. Nothing better than sipping on a Kingfisher and watching the Taj Mahal fade in the night.

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