Friday, January 9, 2009

The Off Day

Hi Folks:
Worried that as we get on the road tomorrow there may not be internet for a few days.
Last night after Chinese food in Paraguay, we played cards and for Kelsey´s benefit, I skunked your Mom at rummy.
This morning we got up with a mission, that being to find out where we will go tomorrow. I read in the guide that you could get tourist information if you went up a road to a government building and after signing in at the front desk, you asked to be directed. Well we found the building and using my best ¨Medino¨Spanish we were able to follow the front desk guy to an up-stairs guy, who then looked for another guy. He turned out to be Arnaldo Benitez who had been on a Rotary exchange to Ottawa and was able to understand our badly broken Spanish. More importantly we were able to get our wishes for the perfect visit to Paraguay across to him. As he was an International Trade Secretary, he called in the tourism secretary, Pedro, and between the 2 of them they did their best to sort out the poor Canadians. Apparently he was treated well in Canada and so owed a debt. Thank goodness that we were the beneficiaries.
Anyway tomorrow we take the bus off on the road toward Asuncion, but only as far as Arnaldo´s wife´s hometown of Caaguazu. We then have a number of stops along that road, most of which we will do before getting to Asuncion. After leaving Arnaldo´s office we were able to find the bus depot and line up a bus for tomorrow. On the way back, Joy was able to do a sketch of a beautiful tree over-hanging a display of ¨mate¨jugs for sale on the corner.
Everyone carries their ¨mate¨jugs with their ¨mate¨cups and special straws with a spoon shaped strainer at the end. If drinking ¨mate¨(a form of tea) becomes an Olympic sport, Paraguay wins hands-down.
This afternoon we vegged out watching the first of a series of thunderstorms arrive. Thankfully the air is much fresher after they pass. This being Paraguay we had lunch at a Japanese restaurent and pizza for dinner.
Off down the road tomorrow!
PS There is a bidet in the bathroom here, but I can´t figure out what it is for. You will have to ask Joy!

1 comment:

  1. Hola Senor Rattler,
    Just a note to let you know both the Fenceman and I are both enjoying reading about your SA adventure. We talked for the first time in quite awhile today and, of course, talked optimistic trash about our ability to take on the AT again this Spring. We'll see you down the trail. Take care. Hasta la vista.
